Wrong SFTP Exception Handling

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Wrong SFTP Exception Handling

Post by obarak »

When a file is not found when using SFTP connection (e.g. when loading an existing saved Workspace that has a file which has been deleted), Sftp returns a No such file exception (see attached image).
LogMX doesn't handle the exception and therefore tries loading the file with the next Parser in the list, re-generating the exception dialog many many times... annoying :o
Nosuchfile.jpg (18.32 KiB) Viewed 25531 times
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Re: Wrong SFTP Exception Handling

Post by admin »

Hello Omer,

Thank you for your feedback.
I didn't manage to reproduce this (annoying - I agree) behavior. With a functional SFTP server and a non-existing SFTP file I got the unique error message below (using a Workspace or a simple file).
I noticed from your error message that you are using LogMX v5.2.1 as I do, so maybe it's due to the SFTP server. Which SFTP server are you using?

sftp-error.png (18.07 KiB) Viewed 25527 times
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Re: Wrong SFTP Exception Handling

Post by obarak »

Hi Xavier,

Thanks for the quick response.
My SFTP server is OpenSSH. Strangely, I didn't manage to reproduce this error today... will post here again if I manage to do it.
On your side please also try a non-existing folder (instead of a non-existing file in an existing folder).

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Re: Wrong SFTP Exception Handling

Post by admin »

Hello Omer,

I got the same unique error with OpenSSH v5.3, using a Workspace or a single file, and using an existing parent directory or not.

Basically, LogMX first asks the Manager (SFTP Manager in this case) if he can read the file, and if he can, LogMX proceeds with file format detection using the installed Parsers. So the only reason I see to produce your multiple error messages is that, first, the file is accessible, then LogMX starts reading it to parse it through Parsers, but that's when the file becomes unavailable.

Were you using AutoRefresh?

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Re: Wrong SFTP Exception Handling

Post by obarak »

Yes, I was using auto-refresh. Still doesn't re-produce, maybe it solved itself :-)
Will update if comes up again...
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