The universal log analyzer Log analyzer
Creating your own LogMX Parser
(to handle a new log format)
Page summary:

LogMX can use 5 types of parsers to extract log entries from your logs:
  • Log4j/Logback Pattern Parsers
  • JSON Parsers
  • Regular expression Parsers
  • Simple Parsers
  • Java Class Parsers
Creating the 4 first types of parsers consists in describing your log format directly through LogMX graphical interface, then LogMX will create for you an internal Parser matching this format.
This page deals with the fifth type of parsers: Java Class Parsers. You can implement a LogMX Parser by writing only one Java Class. Then compiling this class file in a dedicated LogMX folder will allow you to use this Parser, the same way you use the three first parser types.
Creating such a Java Class Parser is the most powerful way to parse any kind of log format, from a simple text file to a complex XML file, network stream, database, or any other resource.
To create and compile your Java Class Parser, you can use one of the following development environment (all available in LogMX "parsers" directory): Eclipse, IntelliJ, Ant, Gradle, or Maven.

Eclipse development environment
LogMX distribution includes an Eclipse project to develop Log Parsers. Here is how to use your development environment for Eclipse:
  1. Project import
    In Eclipse, click on "File" menu, then "Import". Choose "General" > "Existing Projects into Workspace" in the dialog box and click on the "Next>" button.
    Click on the "Browse" button (in the upper right corner) and select LogMX directory before clicking the "OK" button. You can unselect "LogMX Managers" if you don't want to write LogMX managers (see manager dev). Then click on the "Finish" button.

    Import Eclipse project for LogMX Parsers
    Eclipse project import

  2. Project configuration (Jar file path)
    In the "Package Explorer" view (usually on the left), right click on the new project "LogMX Parsers", and select "Properties". In the new dialog box, choose "Java Build Path" on the left, and go to the "Libraries" tab. Double-click the line "LOGMX_HOME/jar/logmx.jar".
    [LogMX v5.3.3 or older]:   Click on the "Variable" button, then the "New" button. In front of "Name", type "LOGMX_HOME", then click on the "Folder" button to choose your LogMX directory (e.g. "C:\Program Files\LogMX"). Finally, click on "OK" buttons to go back to the "Libraries" tab.

    Build path settings for Eclipse project to develop LogMX Parsers
    Eclipse project configuration: Build Path

  3. Project configuration (LogMX API Javadoc link)
    Always in project properties dialog box, expand the item "logmx.jar" and double-click on "Javadoc location". Click the "Browse" button and select the "help/api" directory of your LogMX distribution. To finish, click on "OK" buttons to go back to Eclipse main window.

    Javadoc location for LogMX jar file (LogMX Parsers project)
    Eclipse project configuration: LogMX API Javadoc link

  4. Creating your Parser
    In the "Package Explorer" view, right-click on the "src" directory of your project, and then click on the "New" > "Class" option. In the new dialog box, type a package name in front of "Package" (e.g. "my.parser"). In front of "Name", type your Parser class name (e.g. "TestParser"). In front of "Superclass", type "com.lightysoft.logmx.mgr.LogFileParser" (or you can start typing "LogFile" and use Ctrl-Space completion). Ensure option "Inherited abstract methods" is checked, and then click on the "Finish" button.

    Create a new Log Parser for LogMX using Eclipse
    Parser class creation with Eclipse

    You are now ready to implement your parser, see section Parser implementation for more information.

Writing a new Log Parser for LogMX using Eclipse
Parser development with Eclipse (here, LogMX API javadoc helping developper)

You can now test your Parser in LogMX, see Parser test chapter.

IntelliJ development environment
LogMX distribution includes an IntelliJ project to develop Log Parsers. Here is how to use your development environment for IntelliJ:
  1. Opening project
    To open the IntelliJ project, you have to open the project file "intellij_parsers.ipr" in the LogMX "parsers/" directory
    • On Windows, double-click on this project file.
    • On any OS, if an IntelliJ project is already opened, use "File" > "Open". If no project is opened (i.e. welcome screen displayed) click on "Open" option.

  2. Project configuration (JDK selection)
    Once the project is opened, you will surely have to make it point to your currently configured JDK: at this time, IntelliJ needs a name for the project's JDK which is specific to your IntelliJ configuration. IntelliJ project embedded in LogMX uses the name "1.7" for its JDK: if yours is not named like this, you will need to set your JDK name in LogMX Parsers project to compile it. To set your JDK, you can go to "File" > "Project Structure" > "Project Settings" > "Project". In "Project SDK" section, choose your current JDK (Java 8 or greater). If you don't have any JDK, you can add one now using the button "New" at the right of the JDK selection combo box.

  3. Creating your Parser
    In the "Project" tool view (generally on the left), right-click on the "src" directory, and then click on the "New" > "Package" option, then enter a package name for your parser (e.g. "com.mycompany.parsers"). Then, always in the "Project" tool view, right-click on the package you have just created, and then click on the "New" > "Class" option. Give a name to your class (e.g. "MyParser"), and choose the Kind "Class".

    The first thing to do in your new Parser class is to add "extends LogFileParser" just after your class definition (use <Alt> + <Enter> at the end to automatically import "LogFileParser" from "com.lightysoft.logmx.mgr").

    Finally, use <Ctrl> + <I> (or menu "Code" > "Implement Methods...") to start implementing all required methods. You are now ready to implement your parser, see section Parser implementation for more information.

Writing a new Log Parser for LogMX using IntelliJ
Parser development with IntelliJ (here, LogMX API javadoc helping developper)

You can now test your Parser in LogMX, see Parser test chapter.

Ant development environment
LogMX distribution includes an Ant script to build Log Parsers. Here is how to build a LogMX Parser using this Ant script:
  1. Creating Parser class file
    In "parsers/src" directory of your LogMX distribution, create directories matching your packages name (e.g. create "my/parser/" for packages "my.parser"). Create your Java class source file in your package directory (e.g. file "TestParser.java" in "my/parser/"). You are now ready to implement your parser (using your preferred text editor), see section Parser implementation for more information.

  2. Compiling Parser class file
    Open a shell in the "parsers" directory of your LogMX distribution, and simply type "ant" to compile in "classes" directory all parsers present in "src" directory.
    Here is the list of all available targets: (use "ant -p" to get it from your shell)

    (default target) build-dev Build parsers for development (no optimize, all debug symbols)
    build-prod Build parsers for production (optimized, no debug symbol)
    clean Remove all generated class files
You can now test your Parser in LogMX, see Parser test chapter.

Gradle development environment
LogMX distribution includes a Gradle script to build Log Parsers. Here is how to build a LogMX Parser using this Gradle script:
  1. Creating Parser class file
    In "parsers/src" directory of your LogMX distribution, create directories matching your packages name (e.g. create "my/parser/" for packages "my.parser"). Create your Java class source file in your package directory (e.g. file "TestParser.java" in "my/parser/"). You are now ready to implement your parser (using your preferred text editor), see section Parser implementation for more information.

  2. Compiling Parser class file
    Open a shell in the "parsers" directory of your LogMX distribution, and simply type "gradle" to compile in "classes" directory all parsers present in "src" directory.
    Here is the list of all available commands:

    (default task) gradle Build parsers for development (no optimize, all debug symbols) (equivalent to "gradle -P dev")
    gradle -P prod Build parsers for production (optimized, no debug symbol)
    gradle clean Remove all generated class files
You can now test your Parser in LogMX, see Parser test chapter.

Maven development environment
LogMX distribution includes a Maven script to build Log Parsers. Here is how to build a LogMX Parser using this Maven script:
  1. Creating Parser class file
    In "parsers/src" directory of your LogMX distribution, create directories matching your packages name (e.g. create "my/parser/" for packages "my.parser"). Create your Java class source file in your package directory (e.g. file "TestParser.java" in "my/parser/"). You are now ready to implement your parser (using your preferred text editor), see section Parser implementation for more information.

  2. Compiling Parser class file
    Open a shell in the "parsers" directory of your LogMX distribution, and simply type "mvn" to compile in "classes" directory all parsers present in "src" directory.
    Here is the list of all available commands:

    (default goal) mvn Build parsers for development (no optimize, all debug symbols) (equivalent to "mvn -P dev")
    mvn -P prod Build parsers for production (optimized, no debug symbol)
    mvn clean Remove all generated class files
You can now test your Parser in LogMX, see Parser test chapter.

Parser implementation
Writing a LogMX Java Parser consists in creating a Java class that extends the abstract class LogFileParser and implementing its abstract methods.
To get detailed information on these methods you have to implement, see our on-line javadoc or read it from your LogMX distribution (under "help/api").
For a complete example of Parser implementation, see "SampleParser.java" in directory "parsers/src/sample/parser" of your LogMX distribution, or see it online: Parser class sample.
If you have any problem or question, please visit our Parser Development Forum or contact us.

Parser test
Here is how to test your Parser in LogMX:
  1. Parser compilation
    Compile your Parser to "parser/classes" (see above to compile it with Eclipse/IntelliJ/Ant/Gradle/Maven).

    NOTE: If you have several versions of Java installed, be sure to run LogMX with a Java version greater or equal to the version of the compiler you use to compile your Parser (you can run LogMX with Java 9 to use a Parser compiled with Java 8, but you cannot run it with Java 8 to use a Parser compiled with Java 9).
    To get the version you use to run LogMX, go to "Help" menu, "About" option, and click on the blue "i" icon in the left bottom corner: version is specified in front of property "java.version" in the upper table.
    To get the version you use to compile your Parser:
      • with Eclipse, right-click on your Eclipse project and select the "Properties" option. Then click on "Java compiler" in the left pane.
      • with IntelliJ, right-click on your IntelliJ module ("Project" tool view) and select the option "Open Module Settings". Then click on "Dependencis" tab.
      • with Ant/Gradle/Maven, check your JAVA_HOME environment variable. If you don't have such a variable, check the JDK directory of your PATH environment variable: type "java -version" in your shell to get this Java version.

  2. Parser installation
    In the "Tools" LogMX menu, click on "Options...". In the dialog box that appeared, go to the "Parsers" tab and click on the green "+" button on the right. In the new dialog box, go to "Java parser class" and select your Parser in the main tree (as you can see in this dialog box, you can add Parsers included in a Jar file).
    Of course, you have to do this only once, then LogMX will try to use this parser for every file you will open.

    New Log Parser installation in LogMX
    Parser installation in LogMX

  3. Parser test
    To test your parser, simply open a log file written in a format handled by your Parser.

    If LogMX opens your file in raw-text mode or you get an error message, first try to make your parser the first parser to be used: in "Tools/Options/Parsers" dialog box, click on your parser and move it to the top of the list using the green-up-arrow button in the right pane.
    If LogMX is still not able to open your log file properly and this file begins with many lines before describing the first log entry, increase the amount of lines to read from file before switching to next Parser if no entry found (bottom of "Tools/Options/Parsers" dialog box).

    Log Parsers configuration in LogMX
    Parser configuration in LogMX

    If you recompile your parser, you shouldn't have to restart LogMX to use the last version of your parser if you check the option "Reload Java Parsers for each file load" in the dialog above (this option can be turned off for better performance, your Parser class file will then be stored in a cache).

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